A HUGE Thank You to all our backers for Our Kind of Strange:
afullmargin; Alan Thiesen; Alyssa Yeager; Amber Hansford; Anke Herodek; Auntie M (Lisa Deutsch Harrigan); Becca Sher; Becky Smith; Beth Kinderman; Bikil, Alex, and Mari; Bill & Brenda Sutton; Billy; Brandon & Rebecca; Burr; C.J. Ueberall; Caleb Smith; Cat Faber; Cathy McManamon; CD Woodbury; Cecilia Eng; Chrissy; Christian Lipski; Christopher Tomlinson; Chuck Parker; Cindy Belleque; CW Smith; Damon Griffin; Daniel and Teresa Gunderson; Darci Strutt; Dave Garland; Dave Toms; Dawn Bennett; Dawn Jaekel; Debbie Matsuura; Debbie Ridpath Ohi; Debora VanHeyningen; Deirdre Murphy; Doug “Dhomal” Raas; Dr. Jessica and Royal Hebert; Dr. Mary C Crowell; Dragondreams; Ellen Kranzer; Erica L Frank; Erica Neely and Steve Shortino; Erik Arneson; “filkertom” Tom Smith; fractalfiend; Frank & Linda Distad; Gabrielle Gold; “Gorgeous” Gary Ehrlich; Greg Rheam; Grenevic Sharladanel Stremski; Gryphonist; Gudrun Hahn; Heidegger & Mocha; House Chaos; Ina; Irwing Nieto; J. A. Britton; James; Jane Garthson & Phil Mills; Jeff & Jeri Lynn; Jeff Bohnhoff; Jeff Estep; Jen Midkiff; Jen Usellis; Jerrie the filkferengi; John Lampson; John McDaid; John Sanderson; Jon Bennefeld; Jonathan Gould; JT Traub; Judy Bemis; Kaitlynn & Julianna Yoder; Kathleen Sloan; Katy & Steve; Kerri-Ellen Kelly; Keshlam; Kevin & Jennifer Distad; Kevin Heard; Larry Kirby; Lauren E. Mitchell; Lee Shelton; Leishycat; Linda and Mike Schiffer; Lucky Annie LeBlanc; Luke and Kathleen Miller; Luke Bretscher; Lydean Kenzall; Madison Metricula Roberts; Marc; Margaret Bumby; Marilisa; Mark and Roberta; Mark Bernstein; Maverick Weirdo; Meg W; Merav Hoffman; metalfoot; Michael and Claudia Kieslich; Michael Scholl; Mike Knauer; M’liss Garber; Morva & Alan; MQBoeke; Mr. Arthur; Mr. Beany’s Bitty Band; Nancy Rost; Natalie Rogers; Nate Wulver and Heather Estelme; Neal Bailey; Patch; Paul Kwinn; Paul Pappas; Rand & Erin Bellavia; Rob Wynne & Larissa March; Robert Dahlen; Robin & Rianna of Bedford Level Experiment; Robin Baylor; Ry Edwards; S M Kennedy; Sapient; Sharon; Sharon and Mark; Stacia Seaman; Steven Joel Zeve; Stevonnie Ross; Sunnie Larsen; Suze & Jeremy Nelson; Tanya Huff; Technoshaman; Theresa Baker; Thomas Browne; Tommy Glitter; W. Randy Hoffman; Wayne; WearsHats; Will “scifantasy” Frank; Win Day; Xap Esler; Zoid Tobias
We are so very grateful to you for supporting us and for supporting Our Kind of Strange!