Hey, That’s My Fish Game Review: There is a sweet spot in game design, in my opinion. A game that is intended to appeal to a wide audience should be simple to learn, simple to teach, have few rules, and should present interesting choices at every step. Hey, That’s MyContinue Reading

I’m thinking that it might be enlightening to share with you, dear reader, some of the things I like. I’m a classic movie fan, love board games, enjoy the odd video game, and love reading.  So, as time progresses, I’ll add posts (possibly brief–who has enough attention span for longContinue Reading

We aren’t just a band. We are passionate about board games, books, movies and other things – I mean we are geeks after all. 🙂 So this space is for the catch all stuff – Board Game reviews, talk about movies, books, and other stuff. This is where we talkContinue Reading

HEY! Eric was interviewed on the Pros And Cons Podcast! where he got to talk about music, board games, and FAWM! Check out the Podcast here. On the podcast we talked about the Time Traveler song, which is jam packed with Time Travel references from movies, books, and TV shows.Continue Reading